We are active in our immediate neighborhood and San Jose with projects to help and serve the community. These practical actions share God’s love and care with a broader world outside our own congregation. To learn more, see our Outreach page.
We also have lots of formal and informal gatherings and get-togethers among members and friends that build community within our congregation. Childrens’ and Youth Ministries are hubs, as well as our choir, service committees, and small groups. Group dinners are favorite items of our annual auction: a chance for friends to meet, socialize, and enjoy a delicious meal. And we bond over shared work at events like National Night Out. We’d love to have you join in! (We're not sure what they are doing in the photo, either.)

Fun and Friends

Iglesia Cristiana
We are grateful to be in partnership with Iglesia Cristiana, an independent Spanish language congregation who meets for worship in the AHUMC sanctuary each Sunday. Iglesia Cristiana holds special fellowship gatherings and studies. This ministry is led by Pastor Ediberto and Pastora Adela Ramos. We often work together on community projects and outreach in our neighborhood, such as clean-ups and National Night Out.
The Free Music School at AHUMC provides free, weekly instrumental music lessons to students in grades 4-12. Homeschooled, public, and private school students from all over the San Jose area are invited to participate. Enrollment for new, beginning students happens every August. Experienced students and "Music Mentors" (music teacher volunteers) are welcome to join throughout the school year. Please see the Free Music School website for more details.

Free Music School

We join regularly with the community to clean-up trash around our Hoffman/Via Monte neighborhood.
Pastor Mariellen Yoshino coordinates Bible Studies with residents at Brookdale Senior Living Center. There's also a monthly Coffee Chat fellowship with residents, some of whom are members and friends of our congregation and others new friends.

The independent Learning Company and Academy on our campus offers an enriched education in a creative and stimulating environment for preschool and kindergarten.

Facility Rentals
Our Social Hall and other rooms are available for rental to community groups and other organizations. To learn more, contact our church office.
email: office@almadenhillsumc.org
phone: 408-269-2345